
"Paulo Quiros avoids Oswald's maudlin trap with devilish charm, at once lovable, dangerous, and damned." -

Paulo Quiros gives evidence he has the best-trained vocal chops in the company. - Theatremania

"Mr. Quiros is brilliant . . . savage and visceral in his portrayal, showing a stunning range between the lusty young man at the height of his powers and the crumbling monster at the depth of his fall." - Quazen, Arts

"Quiros . . . does just that and the results are excellent as he expertly plays torment, sexual desire, rage and ill health." - OffOffOnline

"The final scene between Mrs. Alving, Regina (Justine Salata), and Oswald (Paulo Quiros) is a gripping success of staging and performance, a true testament to the potential in the ambitious artistry behind this piece." - TheatreIsEasy

"Mr. Quiros, finally, is so sharp and polished for a young actor that I had to ask my wife if he wasn't a name actor who had escaped my notice." - Quazen Arts

"Mr. Quiros is capable of letting the spectators perceive the humanity and conflicted personality of the man considered an 'Enemy of the History' and the incarnation of disservice of justice, which is likely what Bulgakov meant . . . Mr. Quiros's interpretation is spotless and seamlessly consistent, making him a great Pilate." - Livein-Style